My car and caravan
2007 mod. Toyota Hiace 4WD

This is a big car with plenty of room for my dogs, cages and a massive amount of "stuff". It's only reg. for three passengers so the room for the dogs are about 2,3 m long and 1,6 m wide.
Safe and sturdy dogcages is a "must" in any car! Heavy, non-collabsable, metall cages that are made for the dogs safety are quite expensive here. But with a little luck and patience used ones are sold quite often. If you order a new one you could have it made in any size to fit your car perfectly!
View from the side door:
Plenty of room aroud the cage for luggage, wheels, grooming table, etc.
The cage alone:
 Size: 1 m x 0,9 m . heigth: 0.7 m, divider wall (removed in my cage) and three doors.
View from the back door:
 A "frame" on top makes sure that the tent, chairs, etc are safely staying put, on the sides there is good room for mesh or metal foldable crates and tons of blankets.
The cage alone:
 Size: 1,15 m x 1 m . heigth: 0.7 m, divider wall (often in use), 4 doors.
All doors can be locked with padlocks - so the dogs are safe if I leave them there with the doors of the car is open.
Please remember to make sure the cages are fastened safely to the floor of the car!
My caravan
2008 mod Caravelair Antarés Luxe 416
 Please notice the super doggydoor - it leads straight into the lower bunkbed, in my caraven I've removed the matress and the are is now a just a big dog area.
My camp at a dogshow:

Next year we'll be back on the road with the caravan - can't hardly wait...