Showresults 2010
Currently showing the following dogs:
Moby: Int Nord UCh NordV -02 -06 NV-03-06 KbhV-04 SV-07 Breaksea Norwegian Wood
Mac: Nord UCh Kindle Passion Just Marvellous
Snurre: Taildown's Joystick
Elmer: N UCh Taildown's Jukebox
Molly: N UCh Taldown's Jellybaby (usually handled by her owner - Anders Tangen)
Jessica: Taildown's Dream Team
Mille: Cotonbrie Chery (Coton De Tulear)
Frodo: Moi-Toi's Tom Sawyer (Coton De Tulear)
Penny: Fashionpack's Princess Penny
and of course the Boston Terrier Bogerudmyra's Lotte - Moxy to friends.
09.01.2010 - int. in Gothenburg
Moby's daughter Beardcaper's Night Live won her second CC and a res.CACIB
16.01.2010 - national in Letohallen, judge: Frank Christiansen, Norway
CC, 3rd best male: Snurre
17.01.210 - national in Letohallen, judge: Norman Deschumere, Belgium
CC, BOS: Snurre
16.02.2010 - national på Hellerudsletta, judge: Mrs C Vaughan, Australia
2. in juniorclass, HP: Elmer
17.01.2010 - national på Hellerudsletta, judge: Inger Ronander, Norway
CC, BOB: Elmer
20.02.2010 - int. ch. show in Bo, Telemark, judge: Jørgen Hindse, Denmark
CC, 4th best male: Snurre
CK, 2nd best male, Best In Show veteran: Moby

11.03.2010 - CRUFTS, Birmingham, GB - Judges: Mr R J Manning, Edroman, GB and Miss L Tomlinson, Coalacre, GB)
Moby (veteran), Mac and Milla (open class)
03.04.2010 - int. in Stockholm, Sweden
Mac's son Typografen's Noddy Nerd won his second CC.
24.04.2010 - nat. in Stange - Judge: Ulf Bråthen, Denmark
CC, BOB: Elmer
CK, 2. best bitch: Molly
25.04.2010 - nat. in Stange - Judge: Jadranka Miljatovic, Croatia
CK, 3. best male: Elmer
CC, BOB: Molly
8.05.2010 - NKK int. ch. show in Kristiansand - Judge: Diogo Ramalho, Portugal
CC, 3. best male: Elmer
CK, BOB-veteran, BIS.3 veteran: Moby
08.05.2010 - SKK nat. in Larv, Sweden
Moby's daughter Beardcaper's Night Live won her third swedish CC and her title!
05.06.2010 - NKK int. ch. show in Drammen - Judge: Carlos Saevich, GB
CK, 3. best male, res.CACIB: Elmer
CK, 4. best male, BIS veteran: Moby
1. prize in open class: Jessica
Moby's daughter Beardcaper's Night Live won her norwegian CC, title and res.CACIB
06.06.2010 - Norwegian BC Clubshow in Svelvik - Judge: Justine Waldron, Snowmead Kennel, GB
CK, BOS intermediate class: Elmer
CK, 2. best male, BIS veteran: Moby
1. prize in open class: Jessica
Colins (Ch Taildown's Special Touch) daugher Ch Just Unique Ronja da Mia Cuccia was BOS veteran.
19.06.2010 - Norw.Toydogclub nat. show in Vormsund
Handling Mille (Coton de Tulear: Cotonbrie Chery) to CC and BOB.
19.06.2010 - nat. in Sandefjord (judge: Freddie Klindrup, Dk)
CC, 2. best bitch: Molly
23.06.2010 - Danish BC Clubshow - Judge: Mike Lewis, Potterdale Kennel, GB
Exc., 3. in ch.class, 4 best male: Mac
Exc., 1. in veteran male: Moby
24.06.2010 - Danish KC - World Dog Show 2010 - Judge: Hans-Erik Pedersen, Shepherdess Kennel, DK
Exc., 3. in champ.class: Mac
Exc., 2. in veteran class male: Moby
Excellent: Milla
04.07.2010 - NKK in Trondheim - Judge: Sara Nordin, SE
CK, BOB, 2.BIG: Moby
CK, 2. place in open class: Molly
(right: BOS - Ch Farmarens Flava Jemtlandica)
24.07.2010 - Nat. Vålerbanen - Judge: August De Wilde, BE
CK, BOB, BIG.4: Mac
CC, BOS: Pita
CK, 2. best bitch: Molly
25.07.2010 - Nat. Vålerbanen - Judge: Johan Andersson, Alistair Kennel, SE
CK, male: Mac
HP: Pita
CC, BOS: Molly
25.07.2010 - in Moss
Moby's son Uno (Ch Quarry's Unforgettable Uno) was BOB and BIG.3
31.07.2010 - Nat. in Nesbyen - Judge: Hans Almgren, SE
CK, 3. best male: Mac
2. in open class: Molly
Moby's son Theon (Ch Mollycoddle's The One) was BOB and BIG.3
01.08.2010 - Nat. in Nesbyen - Judge: Gunnel Holm, FI
HP, 1. in youngster class: Elmer
CC, BOS: Molly
Moby's son Theon (Ch Mollycoddle's The One) was BOB and BIG.4
07.08.2010 - Nat. at Hellerudsletta - Judge: Gro Svandalsflona, NO
CK, BOB: Mac
14.08.2010 - Int. (Qualifier for Crufts) in Oslo - Judge: Laurent Picard, CH
CK, BOS, qualified for Crufts, BOB veteran: Moby
Handling Mille to 4th best bitch
15.08.2010 - Int. ch. show (Norwegian Winner 2010) in Oslo - Judge: LizBeth Linjeqvist, SE
CK, 2. best male, BOB veteran: Moby
Ck: Molly
Handling Mille to CC, res CAIB and bitch
05.09.2010 - Nat. ch show in Kaltenkirchen, DE (judge: Ursula Langer)
CAC (German champion!), BOB and Best In Show: Mac
11.09.2010 - Int. in Rogaland - Judge: Jahn Stääv, Nickelby kennel, SE
CK, male, res CACIB: Mac
CK, BOB, 2. BIG, 3.BIS veteran: Moby
19.09.2010 - puppyshow in Askim - Judge: Randi Asper, NO
2. place in class: Moxy
25-26.09 - puppyshow in Båstad - Judge: Aud Fossum, NO
BOB, BIG.2: Moxy
09.10.2010 - Int. ch. show Hamar - Judge: Benny Blid von Schedvin, SE
CK, 2. in champion, 3. best male: Moby
30.10.2010 - Nat. in Letohallen - Judges: Dagmar Klein D (BC) / Noreen Harris; Ie (BT, pups), Eivor Hofmandselv, N (BC pups)
CC, BOB: Elmer
1st in open class: Molly
BOS puppy: Moxy
BOB, BIG, BIS.3 puppy: Penny
31.10.2010 - Nat. in Letohallen - Judges: Brit Brodwall, NO (BC) / Eivor Hofmandselv, NO (BT pups)
CC Norwegian Champion, BOS: Molly(shown by her owner)
BOB, BIG. BIS.4 puppy: Moxy
13-14/11 - Nat. in Kongsberg - Judges: Jasna Matejcic, CRO (BC) / Frode Jevne, NO (BT pups)
CK, 3. best male: Snurre
BOB, BIG.3 puppy: Moxy
21.11 - puppyshow in Oslo - Judge: Peter Nilsson, SE
BOB puppy: Moxy
29. and 30.11.2010 - in Letohallen, Judge: Dagmar Klein, D (both breeds)
CC, Norwegian champion, BOS: Mille
BOB puppy: Moxy
BOB puppy: Penny
CC, Norwegian Champion, BOB: Snurre
A really good end of a great year!
Moby was most winning Beardiemale and 5th most winning veteran all breeds.