Latest News
12.10.2014 - Not a single update on this page since february
And when I do - it's excaclty the same as last time.. Bound-To-Bounce kennel is excpecting a new litter (repeat mating) after Amanda and Mac.
I'm working on patching together the showresults for the year.
28.02.2014 - Updates...
Finally made the showresultpage for 2014. This includes all of our showresults and plans (when I've entered shows).
Happy to announce that Mac is expecting a litter not far from here - we are eagerly awaiting their arrival
around mid March.
The lovely mum of the litter is "Amanda" (Ch Highflying Outa My Way) at kennel Bound-To-Bounce -
05.11.2013 - Home from Denmark...
Home from Denmark and the Danish Winnershow 2013 - a fabulous weekend!
Moxy was Best of Breed and Danish Winner 2013,
Messi got the title Danish Juniorwinner 2013,
Milla was Danish Veteranwinner 2013,
and little Harley was BOB baby puppy!
16.03.2013 - Harley got his own page

He has been "upgraded" from "my boston litter" to Harley under "My dogs".
Now 4 weeks old and growing fast! It might look like he has cropped ear on the picture, but they are not, of course.. Its cruel and unethical in addition to illegal here in Norway.
01.06.2013 - Messi winning BIS junior at our clubshow
Messi doing her best in the showring again - also winning res.CC and 4th best bitch at our clubshow in Svelvik.
18.05.2013 - My very first bostonpuppy is born!
Today was for me quite a dramatic day, with a c section for Moxy and only one puppy that was alive. Albeit a beautiful little boston baby boy!
23.03.2013 - Puppies and puppies!
Today Moxy was mated for the second time with Ch Bogerudmyras Mattis. I hope for bostonbabies in mid May! Wow - that's gonna be fun!
Pedigree and more info - click HERE.
Mac just had a beautiful "girlfriend" over - S UCh JWW-10 Goonies Happiness, VA.
Seeing that pedigree makes me want to find a good home for a beautiful bitch on breeding terms. So if you know of anyone...
To visit Happy at home, please click HERE.
And not to forget our biggest puppy - Messi. Winning the CC and best bitch at her very first show as an "adult"! What a fabulous start!
11.03.2013 - Still winter
Still full winter outdoors. Not the best ewather for the little boston Moxy, but all the beardies seems to enjoy it! Soon Messi's debut in the "grown up" ring and maybe a litter coming here again in just a couple of months. Mating will be revealed as soon as it's done...
Enjoying myself with alot of writing and helping out in the beardieclub again. Judges seminar, presentation of the breed in the KC magazine, clubshow and the clubs annual meeting coming up the first of June - they have a lot to do..
13.01.2013 - Most winning lists are out
The most winning list is now ready - giving me excactly the result I wantet.
Most winning beardie in Norway 2012 is Norw. Ch. Taildown's Jellybaby - "Molly" owned by Anders Tangen. She is such a lovely and unexaggerated bitch; shown so natural and free - always ready for a jump or a little play with her handler...
No. two on the list, and naturally the most winning male is our own "Moby"! Quite an achievement for a 10 year old.. Albeit - he is still a beautiful, beautiful beardie!
And our little snoring and farting little boston, Moxy, was 2. most winning boston terrier at Norwegian KC international shows in 2012.
I'm of course very, very proud and pleased with the previous years shows!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

30.11.2012 - Winter is coming
We finally have snow and cold enough for the dogs to stay clean!! Not the best enviroment for a little boston terrier (she thinks it's awfully cold!), but the beardies LOVE it!
The last big (international) dogshow is over, and the final result was that Moxy acctualy made it to 2.most winning boston terrier at NKK-shows. Great fun!
And to a more non-doggy information - please note my "new" email adress (under contact information). The "old" one (ending with will soon just stop working..
10.11.2012 - Unbelievable...

Milla did it again:
Best In Show veteran!
This time also BOB and 2.BIG.
And totally unrelated info:
Added another page to my homepage - presentation of my car and caravan, and some tips about cages for the car.
04.11.2012 - And again...
Milla surprised and impressed me again.. Winning Danish Veteran Winner, Nordic Veteran Winner and Nordic Winnertitles this weekend!
Messi BOS puppy at Danish Winnershow and BOB puppy at Nordic Winnershow.
And of course my Moby - winning Danish Veteran Winner 2012 as well. This giving him a record very hard to beat with winnertitles over a span of 10 years!
28.10.2012 - Did it again!

As usual - Milla was truly impressive this weekend.
Showing herself off like a queen - winning the breed, placed as no.4 in the group and repeating her extreme will to show with winning the Best In Show veteran today as well!
Messi also won the breed in puppyclass and was also BIG.4!